Advocacy Sponsor - Demonstrate a high level of support for MHLA advocacy. Option for display table and customizable recognition during event. Inclusion in post-event press release with a quote from executive at your company. Corporate logo recognition during event, on MHLA website and in promotional emails. Includes 8 attendees. $5,000
Breakfast Sponsor - Corporate logo signage at breakfast and recognition during event, on MHLA website and in promotional email plus option for display table. Includes priority seating for 4 attendees. $2,500
Event Sponsor- Corporate logo on MHLA website and in promotional emails plus option for display table. Includes 2 attendees. $1,000
Friends of MHLA Sponsor-- Corporate logo recognition scrolling on screens at event, on MHLA website and in promotional emails. Includes 1 attendee. $350